WINTER HOURS: Effective Jan 1, 2025

Monday – Thursday – CLOSED.

Friday – Saturday – 11am to 5pm

Sunday 12pm to 5pm

Join us for Wine and Small Bites on March 8th at Antonio’s Restaurant. We will be featuring our 3 newest dry white wines and 6 of our other most popular wines. This event runs between 3 pm and 5pm and the tickets are $40.00 each.  Tickets can be purchased on Antonio’s website at: Wine & Small Bites- March 8 | Antonio’s Italian Ristorante







Red Wines

  • Pinot Noir
    Our Pinot Noir comes from a Lake Michigan Shore vineyard and is a light red wine which is well-suited to pair with poultry, beef, fish, ham, lamb and pork.
  • Noiret Silver Medal winner at the Indy International Wine Competition
    Noiret (pronounced “nwahr-ay”), is a distinctive red wine which is richly colored and has notes of green and black pepper along with raspberry, blackberry and hints of mint. A fine tannin structure that is complete from the front of the mouth to the rear. Noiret includes French hybrids Steuben and Chancellor in its parentage. Think steak!!!
  • Red Sensation
    A sensational sweet red wine produced from a blend of hybrid red grapes. This wine is excellent with chocolate desserts.

White Wines

  • Riesling
    Riesling is a white wine that presents aromas of apple, peach and pear with delicate floral undertones. Our semi-sweet Riesling goes well with a large variety of foods but really excels when paired with spicy fare.
  • Seyval Blanc Bronze Medal winner at the Indy International Wine Competition
    A French hybrid varietal that produces a white wine that has subtle aromas and flavors of citrus fruits. Seyval Blanc is excellent with grilled chicken, spicy foods and all by itself.
  • Traminette
    Traminette is a white wine made from a hybrid grape bred by Cornell University to survive harsh mid-western winters. This hybrid grape, produced from Gewurztraminer and J.S. 23-416 has a fragrant aroma and a floral taste. Traminette has a spicy fruit characteristic with nice apricot and honey overtones. Our Traminette is a semi-sweet wine that is wonderful with turkey, chicken, pork and Asian cuisine. On November 24, 2009, the Indiana department of agriculture, tourism office and the Indiana Wine Grape Council rolled out Traminette as the state’s “Signature Wine”.
  • White Delight SOLD OUT
    A delightfully sweet white wine produced from a blend of hybrid grapes. This wine is excellent with spicy foods or desserts.